Software asset management empowers you to save time & money, reduce risk & ensure compliance, & improve ROI. Reduce your organisation’s software spend & maximize your potential with software asset management (SAM) solutions.

By accurately discovering & reporting your Autodesk software estate, highlighting duplicate applications, unused programs & shadow IT, & re-allocating existing licenses rather than buying additional ones, our Autodesk License management services
enable organisations to reduce software license spend in the 1st 12-months & with consequent savings year on year.

Risk mitigation
Reduce the financial implications of potential risks & reduce the likelihood that those risks will happen.
Our priority for our customers is to ensure that they understand what best practice for license compliance is.

Understand your risk.

• Do you have a record of the licences for all the software installed on your computers?
• Do you have an up to date, accurate inventory of all software deployed & in use in your organisation?
• Have you recently conducted a software audit & reconciled the findings with the number of licences held to ensure compliance with the licence terms?
• Are there policies & processes in place for controlling the purchase & use of software?
• Do users sign to confirm that they have been made aware of, acknowledge & understand such policies & processes?
If you answer no to any of the above, you may be at risk & need to perform a software audit to determine the size of the problem & take appropriate steps to ensure that you are compliant.

Achieve Autodesk Licence compliance.

• You first need to collect & record all evidence of licenses & entitlements to use software in a secure place, so you can be confident that you have the right to use.
• Perform an inventory of your computers, software & users.
• Match the number of licenses to the installed software & ensure that the software is being used in accordance with the terms & conditions of the licence, on occasions, licences limit the number of users accessing software.
• If there is a mismatch take appropriate steps to achieve licence compliance by procuring additional licenses; redeploying unused licences (if permitted) or reducing the number of users.

Maintain Autodesk Licence Compliance.

• Now you have a baseline, start to implement processes & policies that make it easy to control & manage your software assets in the future.
• Make your directors, IT staff & users aware of the importance of software licence compliance & remind them periodically.
• Review your IT policies to ensure they promote good software management practices & ensure that everyone signs up to them.
• Review & improve your requisition, procurement, use & asset retirement practices.
• Make sure that everyone is aware of your procedures that back up your policies, that they are supported by your company directors & that they are used when appropriate.

Optimise your Autodesk Software Licences - Now you are in control, plan.

• Implement processes to collect & re-use software by re-allocation instead of buying additional licences.
• Review your license procurement & maintenance contracts on a regular basis in line with changed patterns of software use & different computer hardware set ups.
• Ensure any internal software developers for the business & the licence options & costs when developing new business applications. This will help you make better decisions about the costs & benefits of potential options.

SAM - Autodesk Software Asset Management

Organisations can also take advantage of a SAM program.
Implementing a software asset management (SAM) program can help you effectively manage & optimise your Autodesk software.
SAM helps you track your software & ensures that you stay compliant with Autodesk licence agreements. Not only does SAM reduce your risk of non-compliance & help you meet legal obligations, but it also delivers compelling business benefits.

Cut Costs.

Industry analysts estimate that SAM can result in savings of 30% the first year you implement SAM best practices, & 5-10% annually thereafter. It does this by helping you:
• Eliminate or reallocate underused software.
• Reduce costs associated with software management & support.
• Avoid fees associated with non-compliance.
• Negotiate bulk discounts with providers.
• Reduce unexpected licensing costs.
• Improve Productivity. Effective SAM can help ensure that all employees have the licensed software they need to complete their jobs & when they have software problems, they can get support - which is available only to licensed users.
Autodesk will also keep you informed about software developments that can help you work faster & more efficiently. Finally, SAM reduces the strain on IT staff by automating many routine software management tasks.

Support Effective Management.

SAM streamlines software management, telling you immediately what software is in use & where. Rather than conducting a year-end inventory, you maintain a running record that lets you easily identify & update obsolete software.
With SAM, you can plan effectively, purchasing software when you need it - not just when a new version comes out. You can target upgrades & reduce hassle.
SAM also helps you maintain network & computer uptime by reducing the virus risks associated with downloading or purchasing software from unauthorised sites.

Our priority is our customers & to ensure that they understand what best practice for license compliance is.